DNF: Ink and Bone  My Thoughts: Six of Crows My Thoughts: A Darker Shade of Magic My Thoughts: Quake

Monday, August 27, 2012

E-Interview: Eddie The Owner and Creator of Editors Article

Hello everyone, this is a little interview I did with myself to answer some frequently asked questions about my blog.
Question: Why are your reviews always so positive? Are you one of those reviewers? Answer: No, I am not one of those reviewers who will give a book a great rating no-matter how bad it is. They are two reasons for why my reviews are always so positive. 
#1 I am a very good judge of a book, normally if I don’t think the book is any good, I won’t pick it up.
#2  If it ever occurs to me that I have somehow (against all odds) actually bought a book I don’t like, I simply don’t Read it! Yep. That’s right. I drop it on the floor and let it rot. I`m not going to sit there and read a book I don’t like. Life`s just too short for that. And of course since I haven`t actually read the full book, I can’t really review it.

Question: Where do you get all your Interviews from? 
Answer:  Well actually I do what I call an E-Interview, short for Email Interview, this saves me and the author time.;As to where I get my interviews from, I usually go to the authors contact page(on their website) and give them a short email about how I’m a book-blogger and would love to do and E-mail interview with them.

Question:  How many Views do you have?;
Answer: As of now (see date above) I have 10,500 views from all over the world, I usually display an active view-counter at the very bottom of my blog.

Question: How Can I connect with this blog?;
Answer: They are many ways you can “connect” with my blog, the most common way is to follow me with your blogger account (by adding me the list on your blogger homepage), or by RSS feed, another great feature located at the very bottom of my blog.

Question: Why don’t my comments appear immediately?  
Answer:Due to some unfortunate events (anonymous spammers), I have been forced to moderate all comments posted on my blog. Don’t worry though; I receive constant email updates whenever someone comments on my blog, so I should be able to publish your comment pretty fast!

Well! Those should be all the questions. When more people start asking questions about my blog I should be able to add to this. Hope you enjoyed it!

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