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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Review: The Oracles of Delphi Keep, by Victora Laurie

  • Age Range: 8 - 12 years
  • Grade Level: 3 - 7
  • Series: Oracles of Delphi Keep (Book 1)
  • Paperback: 576 pages
  • Publisher: Yearling; 1 edition (May 11, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0440422582
  • ISBN-13: 978-0440422587
  • Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 5.4 x 1.4 inches

"Ian Wigby is about to find out that he is a very special boy.

Along the southern coast of England, atop the White Cliffs of Dover, stands a castle. And at that castle’s old keep is an orphanage. Delphi Keep has seen many youngsters come and go through its gates, and Ian Wigby and his sister, Theodosia, are happy to call it home. Life has always been simple at the Keep, and the orphanage safe, until one day, Ian and Theo find a silver treasure box. And within the box, a prophesy. Three thousand years ago a great Greek oracle wrote of a quest. A quest on which the fate of the world depends. A quest that names two children—Ian and Theodosia. Suddenly Delphi Keep is no longer safe. And Ian and Theo, along with a very special group of friends, realize they must unravel the meaning behind the scroll of Dover cavern before darkness falls on the world. And before an unfathomable evil catches up with them." - Amazon


Warning:  The publisher of this book has decided to "cancel" the OODK series, before its 4 book arc, and thus; the series has no conclusion.

My Thoughts:
If you have a son or daughter around the age of 9-12, The Oracles Delphi Keep is the book for them. This 500 page colossus (It'll keep'em busy for a while) runs across a pre-World War I London all the way to an agitated Morroco, as Ian, Theodosia, & Carl attempt to stop a primordial evil. -  Which happens to have four elemental demon children, hellbent on killing them all. BUT - they have an oracle! So that's promising...

In all seriousness,  I was interested in these characters. Each of them had their own role of sorts, a Job to help their mission succeed. Even when it may seem they were disjointed, or in disarray - they relied on each other, and  made it out together.
"We're probably the only living creatures to be in this tunnel for centuries. Come on, you can stay behind me if it will make you feel better.....If you're that scared, then you can stay here or aboveground if you like, but I'm going to see where this tunnel leads" - OODK
A few things were a tad confusing, namely the manipulation of time through the portal, and the fuzzy world setting in the beginning. Fortunately, most of these hazy concepts cleared up as the novel hit its stride. It's a Middle Grade novel after all! I doubt your average 11yr old would mind my qualms.
"Slowly, Inch by Inch, the treasure came away from its earthen cradle, but it still wasn't completely free. Ian heard a sound like a small cave-in coming from the darkness of the western tunnel, and felt Theo shiver with fear" 
To compare this to Percy Jackson wouldn't be right, so I'll compare it to Peter Lerangis's "seven wonders". Like the books mention above, The Oracles of Delphi Keep had a mythology of its own. Part Greek mythology, part pagan-influenced druidism, its a bizarre synthesis that works for its intended purpose - to entertain.

That last line pretty sums up my review. Victoria Laurie's (unfortunately unfinished) tale about a young, adventurous boy  is amusing, pleasing, and sure to excite a younger crowd. Recommended!

My Rating: 4/5

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