DNF: Ink and Bone  My Thoughts: Six of Crows My Thoughts: A Darker Shade of Magic My Thoughts: Quake

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ashtown Burials Book 2: The Drowned Vault

"Fans of both Percy Jackson and Indiana Jones will be captivated by the lost civilizations, ancient secrets, and buried treasure found in the second book of the Ashtown Burials series, action-packed adventure by N. D. Wilson, the author of Leepike Ridge and the 100 Cupboards trilogy.
It's been almost a year since Cyrus and Antigone Smith earned their places as Journeymen at Ashtown, home of an ancient order of explorers that has long guarded the world's secrets and treasures. While their studies go well, Cy and Tigs are not well liked since losing the Dragon's Tooth to the nefarious Dr. Phoenix. The Tooth is the only object in the world capable of killing the long-lived transmortals, and Phoenix has been tracking them down one-by-one, and murdering them.
The surviving transmortals, led by legendary warrior Gilgamesh of Uruk, descend on Ashtown in force, demanding justice. Cy and Tigs find themselves on the run in a desperate search to locate Phoenix and regain the Tooth. In the process, they uncover an evil even more dangerous than Phoenix, one that has been waiting for centuries to emerge."- Amazon
The Drowned Vault Info
  • Publisher: Random Books
  • Page Count: 464
  • Release Date: September 11 2012
  • Author: N.D Wilson
Here is the brand new promo video for the sequel to The Dragons Tooth, called the Drowned Vault, Enjoy!

This Video is from You-Tube and has been Uploaded by RandomBooks


  1. My son loves Percy Jackson and Indiana Jones so I think he'd really like this. Thanks for the review.

    1. LOl, wasn't really a review, the text up top is a copy and paste job from amazon! ( I gave credit at the end)
      All my potst's that are reviews normally say Review: in the title.

    2. Can't really review a book before its published....though I wish I could!
