DNF: Ink and Bone  My Thoughts: Six of Crows My Thoughts: A Darker Shade of Magic My Thoughts: Quake

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Destruction of the Schedule

A couple of days ago I released a poll asking you to choose between three given templates. I am happy to say the majority picked the template you see now! I'm not sure what to think of it yet, but it should be cool!
On another note I'm announcing the destruction of the schedule. Normally I'd Have a review EVERY TUESDAY, a Misc post EVERY THURSDAY, and a meme EVERY SUNDAY. That schedule was quite the workout! So from now on, the only thing that'll have a fixed date is my Snippet Sunday meme. Everything else could come on any day- at any time-if at all. Not to worry though, this blog WILL be constantly updated!


  1. Schedules, psh. Haha I really should have one but I don't. All posts are usually last minute, I envy your schedule (or your destroyed schedule.) I don't think this is the template I voted for but it looks good!

    1. Oh yes, the "Vote for the template" was designed to see what my readers liked best in each template. I then mashed the "best" parts all together to create this thingy!
